Welcome to an exciting new concept in e-learning, we are periva.

We stand tall on our three pillars: sustainability, community and education.

We want to introduce an interactive, informative and fun way to teach children, young adults and families how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. We want to focus on up-cycling, recycling clothing and textiles but also to inform our users, with the latest stories in sustainable clothing available to you.

Do you want to do more to help our planet?

Everything you could want and need to take the first step on your eco journey is all brought together in the periva app, where an online community gathers to share knowledge and skills.

Welcome to social media for sustainability.

Our Mission


The word on everyone's lips and our driving force for change.
£140 million worth of clothes are being thrown into landfills each year.
If you knew the truth, would you carry on?
Periva encourages a sustainable lifestyle, together we can take the first step to making our world better.


It goes without saying that we are stronger together.
In a fast paced society and ever changing world, bringing back a sense of community is one of our key pillars.

Let's start out small and work on building a like minded community.
Share our skills in sustainable living with the ones closest to us and build up from there.

Imagine what we can achieve by helping each other? We provide the platform for this change train, let's fill it together.


Knowledge is power.
It is true, the power we can posses from a simple act of educating ourselves and others is enormous, enough to change the world? Well, that's the plan my friend!

If you knew the environmental impact of a £3 t-shirt and you told your best friend, your mother, your father, your siblings, your cousins & your work friends. What happens when they tell their family & friends? Then those friends tell their family & friends? We have planted the seed of change in 100's of people, and we all had to do was talk about it to a few people over a brew.

When cheap clothes made from synthetic fibres can last in landfills for 200 years, it's time to educate ourselves and each other on how we move forward.

It's Time To Act.

Join our revolution and be one of the first people in a dedicated, passionate and powerful community, sign up for email updates today!

Community. Sustainability. Education.

For ourselves, for our children & for our planet.

© Untitled. All rights reserved.

Thank You

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